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Children's Leadership

Here at Birchanger Primary C of E Primary School we value the opinions and ideas of our pupils and we encourage our children to have a voice within the school community. We believe that the work that we do on our learning values supports children to have the confidence to take an active part in the running of our school. 

We have four school councils which reflect each of the 4 Birchanger 'Bs' - Beliefs, Learning, Creative and Belonging.

For our older children in Yr 6 we give  specific roles to help lead the school. These roles include Head Boy and Head Girl, House Captains, Librarians and Sports Ambassadors.

Our SEND children are also active members of MSC (Multi Skills Council). This is an Essex-wide group of children who come together to promote inclusion in our schools.

Our children's roles

Headboys and Head girls

We have a Head Boy and Head Girl chosen from Year 6. This leadership team were chosen for the way that they demonstrate the school values of love, care, courage and truth.  They have also demonstrated the learning behaviours of tenacity consistently in their work.  These children will represent the school in events within our building and elsewhere.

House Captains

The school has four House Teams based on the elements (voted by the children) - Fire, Earth, Air and Water.  Each child is part of a school House team, collecting points throughout the year by participating in different team activities. 

Children from Year 6 become House Captains. They have the important job of collecting and counting the house points at the end of each week and they announce  which house is the winner. The house captains give a total each week and at the end of each term they let the school community know the house with the greatest number of points overall.   Each half-term a non -uniform day is awarded to the winning house where they are encouraged to wear their house colour in some form.

L4L Ambassadors

In our school we call PSHCE lessons Learning for Life (L4L) lessons. Several of our Yr 6 children are chosen as L4L ambassadors. They have a number of roles within our shcool. They talk to the children about their wellbeing and they  have a strong focus on younger or new children to our school.

Learning Ambassadors

Some of our Year 6 children have been selected to be our Learning Ambassadors. These children help us to improve the learning experiences of all of our children. They do this by asking the children what learning is effective and what they love doing. They have their own ideas of how to improve the school such as through lunchtime clubs. 


We have built up our library over the last few years supported by parent volunteers and several generous donations from the PTA. Our librarians help us to keep this lovely room in order so that all of our children can find the book that they are looking for.


Performance Ambassadors

Several of the Year 6 children who love to dance and to perform lead some of our singing or performances during Collective Worship.

Sports Captains

We have a small team of children who have been chosen as Sports Captains. These children help us to develop the sport in our school. These chidren help others at lunchtimes and in some of our annual events such as Sports Day.